Blog nuts and bolts

Blog nuts and bolts

A little update to keep our single subscriber (Hi Aubrie!) and maybe a few other readers up on news around here.

Jim started calling contractors (but not even all of them) and that’s been consuming a large chunk of his time. It feels like we’re really beginning something. We’re getting some good leads and hope for bids to come in soon.

This might lead to some questions about the time frame for all this work. We started by trying to work backwards from a dried-in house October 15th, 2018. Honestly that sounds really early, but we learned from the garage project that everything always takes longer than you hope for and weather delays are out of your control- something to keep in mind.

This is glossing over a lot of details, but the hope is for:

  • roofing in September
  • windows/doors, insulation, sheathing, and framing in July through August
  • foundation, footings, and excavation in June
  • demolition in May.

Which puts us needing to be out of the house around April 1. We’re hoping that a rental house close to the building site is available then. And it’s already the middle of January, so…. yeah.

Which is a roundabout way of me saying we won’t necessarily be posting super regularly once things get extra crazy with building, but for now we’re aiming for once a week. I’ve started a few social media accounts, which may be an easier place for us to share when the build is active. I’ll share those when I’ve got them up and ready.

In the meantime, if you want to know when new posts are made, leave a comment, check the box that says “Notify me of new posts by email” and you’ll receive an email when we say something new. We are not selling your email nor are we trying to make ad revenue from this site/get free materials. It’s just a place to share.

Also, as this grows and I try new things you might notice some changes to the format or look of the site. I have some ideas and very little time, but be warned that this space is a bit in flux.

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