Future of this space

Future of this space

In case you’re wondering what the plan is for the blog/website now that the house is ‘done’ (HAHAHAHAHA) I’m here to share my vision of how we’ll use this space going forward.

We are obviously going to keep plugging away at the house and either finishing things off or spinning up smaller projects (like building some built ins/furniture, etc). So we’ll have updates here on those things. I imagine the monthly updates will continue because it’s nice to see that we are still getting things done- even if it’s at a slower pace. I don’t mind a bit more breathing room for our weekends to be entirely honest.

The consistency of the posting may dwindle a bit as excitement wanes, but we’ve enjoyed both the idea of journaling this process for our own memories and also if anyone else is considering an owner builder custom house build Google might point them here for tips, tricks and hazards.

So this space will continue for some time. We’re never going to become full time bloggers making money off this site- though it’s amazing to me that people can and do. But for some documentation and the obvious long haul commitment of building your own house this space will still serve us well.

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