House Leveling up- April 2019

House Leveling up- April 2019

Another month, another progress report. Spring is in full swing here so we’re having to pick and choose projects based on the weather. But that means we also have to always have a variety of indoor and outdoor items that need to be completed off our punch list.

This is what we were able to complete in the month of April:

It looks like a short list, but that last bullet is a whopper. We dropped two working weekends on vacation, and to take the electrical from nothing to completed in the remaining 3 weeks feels like a major accomplishment.

Here are our goals for May:

  • Pass electrical and framing inspections
  • Screen porch framing
  • Metal roofs installed
  • Spray foam insulation applied
  • Drywall!!

Keep checking in every month for an update on the progress. Need to catch up? Check out the progress reports for January, February, and March.

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