House leveling up- February 2020

House leveling up- February 2020

Oops! I really missed the deadline on this one as we’re almost a week in to March. Read on about what we got done LAST month.

Shortest month of the year but we got an extra day thanks to leap year. We still managed to squeeze in a fair bit of work. I’m definitely looking forward to spring so we can get back outside. I really want the yard finished and to make progress on our screened-in porch as I know we’ll use the heck out of it. But before that happens we still have plenty of things to knock off our list. Here’s what we got done in just 29 days:

  • Grouted the tile floor in the master bathroom
  • Waterproofing for master shower
  • Laid tile on the master shower floor
  • Hung blinds in the living room, office, guest room, master bedroom, Mr B’s bedroom, and two bathrooms (Jim’ dad and step-mom gave us a house warming gift of blinds and I’ve never been more pleased with a small ‘upgrade’)
  • Had out of town guests while Amy was away in California for a girls weekend

March will be an interesting month as the weather is so iffy. I know the groundhog said we’d get an early spring, but that guy has really terrible reliability. Luckily (?) we have plenty of interior and exterior projects to keep us busy so no matter what spring weather we get we’ll have something to do. We’re also looking forward to a vacation down south so one weekend will be devoted to that.

Just for fun and a little walk down memory lane, this is what we were working on last February (hint: plumbing, electrical, framing- oh my)!

One thought on “House leveling up- February 2020

  1. Good progress, but the last few items on the list take so much time, just like drilling the last hundred feet in “Armageddon”, though not as dramatic. We are looking forward to your visit and then coming to see you in the Summer.

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