House leveling up- January 2020

House leveling up- January 2020

Whoa! A whole year of monthly progress. It sure looks and feels different around here. Definitely has a “home” feel and less “still under construction” like it was even just in early November. The new year has reinvigorated us to begin knocking out more interior projects. This is what we were able to get done for the first month of 2020.

  • Finished the bottom set of stairs up to the landing
  • Miss K turned 11 and for her birthday got her biggest wish- her own kitty. Mochi is settling in well and our girl kitties are adjusting to a new baby boy in the house
  • We acquired a free piano so Mr B could start piano lessons. A big THANK YOU to our friends for helping us move it across town. It’s cleaned up really nicely
  • We hung the doors for the front hall closet
  • Our Xmas present was delivered- a new mattress!
  • Installed tile, toilet and vanity in master bath (this took a little extra plumbing, drywall, and electrical to get everything to fit properly)

February is a short month but I think finishing as much of the master bathroom as we can will be near the top of the list. The other big to-do is to get the handrails in place so we can call the city for a final inspection. That will free us up quite a bit for time and any residual stress.

2 thoughts on “House leveling up- January 2020

  1. The stairs look beautiful and I know it took a lot of precision work. If I re-do a bathroom I want to hire your tiler, very professional job. As for Mochi and piano, life keeps getting more interesting, looks like you are really enjoying the new house.

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