House leveling up- May 2020

House leveling up- May 2020

Will I ever post one of these on time again? Time goes in a blink and stretches out for eons. And not in the right balance if you ask me.

  • Hung some drywall in the basement to separate workshop side from storage side
  • Took a day off and went hiking with the kids
  • Taught Miss K to mow
  • Prepped the AC for summer weather
  • Added shelves to the linen closet in the master bathroom- still no door yet
  • The gutters were installed!!
  • Sanded and put on several coats of poly for the hand rails
  • Dug a trench over 50 ft long for a future light in the front yard
  • Got patio furniture cleaned up and on the back porch
  • Fixed the fridge from it’s leaking water line that caused serious amounts of flooding in the basement (5 days later and we’re STILL trying to get all the moisture out of the subfloor)

May was a VERY slow month for house projects. I’m not even sure it’s safe to hope for anything for June. The grading and seeding is supposed to be done by the end of the month, but I have my doubts. We did ordered all the trim for the house (which is close to a mile in length as we had estimated) but it’s weeks out, so we’ll be trying to wrap up whatever we can before it’s arrival because that will easily take the focus once it’s here.

Last year this time we were prepping for drywall install and all that had to be done prior to the walls being sealed up. The difference of the pace and ‘finished-ness’ is pretty staggering when I stop and think about it.

One thought on “House leveling up- May 2020

  1. It is amazing how fast you go from building a house to dealing with maintenance issues like a leaking fridge. I think it is time to celebrate your great accomplishment, perhaps a timeline of major milestones starting with Design. It has been such a long and fascinating journey, be nice to have a summary. Perhaps I can interview you both and “draft” an outline?

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