How the house ‘lives’ now that we’re self-isolating

How the house ‘lives’ now that we’re self-isolating

We have several times commented on how the house ‘lives’ exactly how we imagined it would, or how well a feature we put in fits so well and how glad we are that we thought of adding/creating this, that, or whatever. Well, it’s a bit different to think about how your house might ‘live’ when you’re now forced to live in it almost exclusively (only going out for fresh air or quick trips to the grocery store). We certainly didn’t design the house with that in mind. Yet there are several things we’re happy to have now that we are in that situation.

I’m SUPER DUPER glad the kids each have their own bedrooms. While they get along pretty darn well most of the time it’s nice that they can each retreat to their own space. With no school they spend a fair bit of time together (usually Mr B is seeking out his sister while she’s more content to introvert with minimal interaction). I’m glad they have space to be together when they want and separate when they needs some alone time. And everyone seems to need that from time to time. Their bedrooms are not giant, but plenty big enough for each to have a desk for homework and to just lay about.

The loft has been really great as a place for the kids to play video games, board games, or Legos and still keep it separate from their schoolwork. Its also been serving as a fun place for family movie nights. Can’t go out so we’re bringing movies to us! It’s been fun to show kids some of the classics like Back to the Future and Indiana Jones. And snuggling on our too small couch is nice for a cuddle bug like me.

Having a dedicated office that is big enough for both Jim and I to work from home 100% for weeks on end is also very much appreciated. In our past two houses and the rental, J’s office has either been shared with other space (guest room or den) or microscopic. We didn’t think the the office doors would get much use, but being able to close them has been a nice touch as sometimes he needs to take a call and we need to keep the cacophony of kids and cats from being transmitted through a Zoom call.

So many things are just really nice in this situation we could not have predicted:

  • Garage is big enough the kids can pull out their bikes on their own for riding around the block without one of us moving a vehicle
  • The kitchen is small by some standards, but large enough for plenty of food storage and for both kids to learn how to make banana bread on their own (we’re at 5 loaves in 5 weeks).
  • And now that we’re eating 3 meals a day at home we’ve appreciated how easy it is to clean up with our undermount sinks.
  • A swing in the backyard for some good fun now that playgrounds are closed- really glad for that purchase a few years back.
  • The location can’t be beat. Rebuilding on our lot was a priority for us as we love our neighborhood (close to work, the park, etc) and our neighbors. Having kids to ride bikes around with has been a great perk with no school friends to socialize with.

I think it’s really easy to focus on what we’re missing or lacking right now, but also good to remember the good (big or small) things too. I am not without complaints about the various inconveniences. I just know I’m really fortunate in lots of ways at the same time. I hope you’re all staying healthy, safe, and sane during these crazy times.

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