Its not a hole, its a bunker

Its not a hole, its a bunker

After waiting 10 weeks for permits, the foundation has gone amazingly fast. It turns out building is a bit slower this year than last, so our foundation crew is “twelve basements behind” where they were this time last year. They called JULIE (the agency that marks all your underground power and water lines) the same day the permit was approved and were out staking the site within 2 business days. (To make that all work I ended up dashing out to their shop in a nearby small town just hours before we left town on a vacation.)

In just two weeks of work they dug out the remainder of the basement area and porches, poured the footings, filled in with rock, installed the sump well and sump line, reconnected the sewer line, put up the forms and poured all the foundation walls, took the forms back down and waterproofed the walls, and then put in window wells and drainage gravel around the outside.

Basement walls with waterproofing applied

While the lack of a roof would certainly be problematic, with a day’s work and a call to the water company, I could theoretically have power, water, and sewer working here in this impressive 14″ thick concrete underground bunker. Amy said we’re well on our way to being preppers.

There won’t be much more visible probably for the next few weeks. Our framing contractor is doing a big job up in Michigan and so won’t be able to start until later this month. That timing should work out OK as the windows aren’t slated to arrive until Oct 8th anyway, and the masonry contractor said October is when he frees up too. Maybe the stars are finally aligned on this project!

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