

I must say, when we started in on all this, mountains of paperwork were not a part of our dream.

I finally got all the documents for submitting the permit (I think).  Its 25 documents in all, and still I’m sure that some of it will be inadequate or missing.  Multiple floor plan views, framing diagrams, wall cross-sections and other visuals, combined with pages of written specifications and spreadsheet-style schedules of materials.  Lot diagrams showing proposed construction, grading and drainage, property limits, and more.  Its astonishing what’s required just to _pretend_ to build a house here in the city, let alone once you actually get started swinging hammers.  Not only do you have to specify the headers over every window and door, but if an opening is wide enough to require a proper beam then you have to include the manufacturer’s engineering specifications for that specific model of beam.  Oh, and list the exact size of nail and spacing pattern by which said beam will be installed.  I work for the State of Illinois, so I thought I knew about paperwork, but boy howdy!

Meanwhile our demolition contractor had a setback with his giant excavator.  The engine died and is being rebuilt next week.  He volunteered to rent an excavator so he could meet the original schedule, but he’d lose money on the project since I already made him match the lowest bidder.  I thought the offer was very up-front and professional, and since I didn’t have a permit to build yet anyway, I gave him a couple weeks to get moving again.  The house is slated to come down sometime the week of 6/11 now.  With any luck we’ll have a loan and a permit in hand sometime that week as well.  (fingers crossed!)

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