Press Pause

Press Pause

This weekend we had maybe 10 items lined up as work we could do on the house project. Some of them were fairly pressing as there are other paid workmen waiting on some actions we need to take. Then Friday night into Saturday it snowed a good 6 inches. We woke up and it was 31 degrees, the world was buried in white and still falling.

I debated clearing the driveway and trying to navigate over to the job site. Its only a mile up the road, but our rental is on an unplowed cul-de-sac, and so is the driveway at the permanent house. I managed to break free for our daughter’s violin lessons, but driving through town and country observing the stunning blanket of snow, I decided we should declare a snow day.

Instead of doing anything house related, we instead took the kids sledding for the first time ever (they got a sled for Christmas two years agoand have never been able to use it!) Then we went back home and had tea and hot cocoa. Followed that up with a snowball fight and snowman building, and then closed it out with some video games on the couch.

We’ll have to work extra days or longer hours later to make up that work, but I have no regrets. None of us will ever remember which weekend days we did or didn’t slave away on the house project, but I suspect we’ll fondly remember the day we went sledding and played the day away. Sometimes life just has to take priority.

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