This feels like the DMV

This feels like the DMV

Did we say that already? That waiting for permits and work to begin is a lot like that scene in Zootopia where they visit the DMV? That was HILARIOUS to watch initially, but now if feels so painful.

So the status of this dream of ours? On hold.

It’s a sensitive subject.

And I promise I haven’t been not-blogging because we’re just so frustrated and giving up. WE’RE NOT FLIPPING GIVING UP. It’s because we literally have no update to give. None. And it’s really frustrating (some of us are dealing with this better than others of us) when such well-intentioned friends/family/co-workers ask how the house building is going. Well, it’s not. We just have a very expensive hole in the ground. For over a month now.

Some news I can share (that is WAY less exciting):

  • We went fireplace shopping and got a quote for that. That was nice to have settled (and the install price seems worth it to me).
  • We got an engineer to agree to take on our tiny project of basement insulation (but still patiently waiting on his official stamp to satisfy the permit office).
  • We got a few other tweaks and adjustments made to the plans (hopefully for clearer sailing once we get the engineers report).
  • We finished the back wall of siding on the garage and almost finished siding the front side of the garage (1 inch too short is not something you can fudge/cover up).
  • We had house guests 3 weekends in a row and the kids started back to school.
  • We have a logo in-progress from an up-and-coming graphics designer. I, for one, am so excite!


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