Time is a scoundrel

Time is a scoundrel

Jim and I often say this to each other. Usually in a mocking sort of way. It’s from a Jimmy John’s radio commercial from probably a dozen years ago now. But it feels like that many days. Especially now with a looming move date. Or maybe it’s just looming to me.

We’re on the countdown to get the house through the final inspections so that we can move into the house. And while that is exciting the more pressing part is the fact that we HAVE to be out of the rental by July 31. That seems… way too soon for the things I know need to be done.

And too many things are out of my/our control. The weather is one of them that continually infuriates me (it’s been a long winter here folks). It’s the reason I’m sitting here in early March with no porch slabs despite being ready for the contractor in mid-October. Yes, that is correct. When will that happen you might ask? Well… when the weather stops being all wintery (I’m not even joking when I say it snowed today) and the ground thaws.

It’s important to do it right because this house and project and all the tiny components are more about doing it ‘right’ than doing it ‘fast’, ‘cheap’, or ‘easy’. But…. sigh. No control here and time just keeps slipping by.

So while the weather is a great limiter on what can be done and when, it’s the overall amount of time we have left and the massive to-do list that are pretty anxiety provoking even if we had perfect weather (which we won’t). Can it be done? Some are pretty optimistic and think we’ll be fine. I am not one of those people. I’m risk averse and tend to hedge my bets on the worst possible scenario (because who would have said at Halloween that I still wouldn’t have porch slabs by early March?!).

I’m hoping we’ll get to some yet-to-be-determined stage and I’ll heave a sigh of relief and come around to the idea that we’ll make it. And if we don’t? Well, maybe Jim will write his own version of a “Time is a Scoundrel” post.

But I’m going to tackle this list and hope to prove that just this once, time will be on our side.

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