Where are the kids?

Where are the kids?

How are we planning on involving the kids? Do they get to pick their rooms/paint/carpet/etc? What do the kids want from the house building experience? Those might be questions you’ve been asking yourself. Well, we have answers! We also have some general beliefs about how much exposure our kids have on this great big internet now that we have a blog.

This is not something we have decided frivolously. In fact, Jim and I started from pretty opposite corners in our beliefs. I have for a long time minimized sharing images of the kids on my personal social media (which I try to keep fairly locked down). I’ve read articles and considered this issue seriously. I’m hard-assed enough to ask family members to not forward pictures of my kids from texts. I even listened to some experienced bloggers podcast on this very subject and then forced Jim to listen to it on Winter Break. So you can pretty easily put me in the camp of more privacy and less sharing of my children on a platform that already allows for too-easy sharing and image manipulation.

To that end, we will be limiting the kids’ names and images on this blog. We want to respect their privacy and provide them safety while still sharing as much as possible with you.

But you might occasionally get little gems like this:

Mr B cutting tar paper


Or this:

Miss K pounding nails

Ultimately, we fully intend for the kids to be active on the house building when/where possible and add their thoughts and wishes on what will be their home, too. (Gold bedrooms anyone?) But we will not be highlighting them in this space- this is not a blog about them, but about building a house. It’s our job to keep them safe and we hope you will be respectful of that and not share their names or images on the internet.

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