Why Dreaming for Decades?

Why Dreaming for Decades?

First, welcome. There are many why’s that might come to mind- now or in the future, but let’s start with the reason for the site.

We wanted a place to share pictures and stories as we build a new home. Whether you think we’re fearless masterminds or reckless idiots, we’re giving you a front-row seat.

While technically we’re not at multiple decades together (though that day is coming soon), we have both had a dream to build a custom home since we were children. And we are many decades since then.

We’ve been sketching, talking, researching, and dreaming about what we’ve wanted since we first got together (2002 for those who are counting).

We’d like to think we’ve got it about ‘perfect’ (for us). There are things we want or need that wouldn’t make sense to other families. And we’ve tried to make design decisions that will grow and adapt as we change. As we go through this process we will make mistakes. We will have glorious successes. And we want to share them all with you.

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